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C++ Currency Converter Project with code source

C++ Currency Converter Project program allows users to convert currency values between different international currencies using up-to-date exchange rates. Users input the amount, select source and target currencies, and the program calculates and displays the converted amount. It's a practical tool for individuals and businesses engaging in cross-border financial transactions.

Currency Converter Project in C++

Objective: The objective of the Currency Converter project is to create a program that allows users to convert currency values from one currency to another based on current exchange rates. It's a practical application for individuals and businesses dealing with international transactions.
1.Input the amount in the source currency.
2.Select the source currency and the target currency from a list.
3.Fetch the latest exchange rates from a reliable source (e.g., an API).
4.Calculate and display the converted amount in the target currency.

Steps to Create the Currency Converter Project

1.Create Exchange Rate Data: In a real-world application, you would fetch the latest exchange rates from a reliable source (e.g., a financial API). For simplicity, this example uses hardcoded rates.
2.Input Handling: Implement input prompts to collect the user's input, including the amount, source currency code, and target currency code.
Conversion Logic: Use the exchange rates to calculate the converted amount.
3.Error Handling: Implement error handling to check if the entered currency codes are valid.
4.Output: Display the converted amount in the target currency.
Testing and Debugging: Test the program with various inputs to ensure accurate conversions and handle edge cases.
5.Enhancements: You can enhance the project by adding features like historical exchange rates, multiple conversions in a single run, or a graphical user interface (GUI) for a more user-friendly experience.

Currency Converter Code Example in C++

Here's a simplified code example for a Currency Converter in C++. Please note that this example uses hardcoded exchange rates, but in practice, you would fetch these rates from an external source like a financial API.


int main() {
    // Create a map of exchange rates (hardcoded for simplicity)
    std::map exchangeRates;
    exchangeRates["USD"] = 1.0;    // US Dollar (base currency)
    exchangeRates["EUR"] = 0.85;   // Euro
    exchangeRates["GBP"] = 0.75;   // British Pound
    exchangeRates["JPY"] = 110.0;  // Japanese Yen

    double amount;
    std::string sourceCurrency, targetCurrency;

    // Input
    std::cout << "Currency Converter" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Enter the amount: ";
    std::cin >> amount;
    std::cout << "Enter the source currency (e.g., USD): ";
    std::cin >> sourceCurrency;
    std::cout << "Enter the target currency (e.g., EUR): ";
    std::cin >> targetCurrency;

    // Conversion
    if (exchangeRates.find(sourceCurrency) != exchangeRates.end() &&
        exchangeRates.find(targetCurrency) != exchangeRates.end()) {
        double convertedAmount = amount * (exchangeRates[targetCurrency] / exchangeRates[sourceCurrency]);

        // Output
        std::cout << amount << " " << sourceCurrency << " is equal to " << convertedAmount << " " << targetCurrency << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Invalid currency codes entered." << std::endl;

    return 0;


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